Manage Linux with Workspace ONE UEM Part 2 – Requirements

Welcome to the next part of Managing Linux with Workspace ONE UEM : Requirements.
In this post I will discuss what you need to manage you’re devices.

Linux Management is only available with Workspace ONE UEM SaaS!

Any Linux Distribution running on :

  • x86_x64
  • ARM5
  • ARM7

The device must be running SystemD or SystemV

Some notice on installing the Intelligent HUB for Linux, if you have a Linux Environment without a GUI, only the HUB based enrollment will fit. For the Web Based enrollment you need (of course) a web browser which normally is not shipped with the non-GUI Linux Distributions.

The HUB based enrollment will fit for the non-GUI Linux Distributions.

For the Linux Distributions with a GUI, both methods of enrollment will work.

Furthermore, in order to have the Intelligent HUB functional, you will need a working network/internet connection.

So in general, most Linux Distributions will be supported and the Intelligent HUB can be easily installed.

For installing the Intelligent HUB, read my next Post: Manage Linux with Workspace ONE UEM Part 3 – Installation & Enrollment Methods

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